Hello Mar...Hello Marketing • • 425 euro • 7 u
Wanted: brabant man (25-55) for social media video Wanted: brabant man (25-55) for social media video
A Brabant man between 25 and 50 years old with a friendly and approachable appearance who looks handy.
raamsdonksveer, NL
cast payed payed payed
Kaaps Film Kaaps Film • • payed • 8 u
Three friends wanted for video municipality of rotterdam Three friends wanted for video municipality of rotterdam
Three friends aged 14-16.
rotterdam, NL
figuratie payed payed payed
Metin Co...Metin Coskun • • lowbudget • 1 d
Actors and actresses wanted Actors and actresses wanted
Are Actors and Actresses between (16-50) for various roles such as few new leading roles as well as supporting roles and guest roles We are looki...
amsterdam, utrecht , NL
cast lowbudget lowbudget lowbudget
Frank Van...Frank Van Garderen • • payed • 1 d
Actor/actress wanted for short online spot expert shops Actor/actress wanted for short online spot expert shops
- Actor or actress between 28 and 40 years old - Friendly and expressive appearance - Experience with acting in short commercials or sketches is ...
nijkerk/putten, NL
Rob Sterr...Rob Sterrenburg • • expenses • 7 u
Young lady wanted for small, emotional role Young lady wanted for small, emotional role
We are looking for a lady aged 17-27 who can fulfill the role of Fleur. Fleur is a girl with a cheerful character who can't stay away from designe...
tiel, NL
cast expenses expenses expenses
Harold Bo...Harold Boter | AVROTROS • • expenses • 11 u
Avrotros is looking for extras! Avrotros is looking for extras!
People who like to party! This is the last scene of the episode in a football canteen. Dancing, singing along, etc.!
bunschoten-spakenburg (bij amersfoort), NL
figuratie expenses expenses expenses
Amalia Vi...Amalia Villacis • • unpayed • 22 u
Looking for a passionate older male actor! Looking for a passionate older male actor!
For the role of Chef (side character, two scenes, dialogue), we are looking for an older, large actor.
cast unpayed unpayed unpayed
Looking for a passionate young male actor! Looking for a passionate young male actor!
For the role of Samuel (main character), we are looking for an open-minded young actor who is willing to experiment, as this role will have some ri...
Bennie Ku...Bennie Kuiper • 1 w • expenses • 1 w
Movies and other stuff. Movies and other stuff.
Hoi met Bennie Kuiper uit Almere Poort Ik heb zelf in 2015 in Spanga's gespeeld en kort Theater gedaan maar wil graag een vaste rolletje met wat t...
almere, NL
aangeboden expenses expenses expenses
Conchita ...Conchita Marengo • 1 w • • 1 w
Extras Extras
Ir/Madam, If you still need Surinamese people for the production If so, I can supply some.
aankondiging aankondiging aankondiging
De Beste ...De Beste Stoomreiniger • • • 2 w
Youtube videopresentator Youtube videopresentator
I'm looking for a YouTube video presenter for steam cleaner review videos.
heerlen, NL
te huur gevraagd te huur gevraagd te huur gevraagd
Noa Broke...Noa Brokelman • • unpayed • 2 w
Actress noa brokelman Actress noa brokelman
In order to grow as an actress, I am looking for work. As a child, theatre was my way to be free and to step into any role I wanted. That passion h...
amersfoort, NL
aangeboden unpayed unpayed unpayed