Gin HuangGin Huang • • lowbudget • 8 u
Casting call for a short Casting call for a short
We are looking for two actresses: 1) White, female, between 18-40, English-speaking with natural or acted Eastern European accent, to play Helper....
leiden, NL
cast lowbudget lowbudget lowbudget
Marnix VonkMarnix Vonk • • lowbudget • 10 u
Supporting roles wanted - event commercial in barbershop. Supporting roles wanted - event commercial in barbershop.
For a big event commercial we are looking for extra actors who are available on Saturday March 22nd for a scene in a barbershop in Rotterdam. The b...
rotterdam, NL
Two young ladies wanted for large afro event commercial Two young ladies wanted for large afro event commercial
You’re in a car together, stuck in traffic, on your way to a big party. Instead of feeling down, you see this as the perfect moment to touch up y...
Group dancers wanted for major event commercial Group dancers wanted for major event commercial
We are looking for an energetic group of dancers who are available for a short shooting day in Rotterdam on Saturday March 22nd. Whether you dance ...
rotterdam, skatepark, NL
Nova ZwiersNova Zwiers • • expenses • 5 u
Actor wanted for film competition Actor wanted for film competition
We are looking for two actors: -woman (18-27 years old) who speaks fluent Dutch. -man (40-60 years old) who speaks fluent Dutch
nederland (waarschijnlijk amsterdam of omgevening), NL
cast expenses expenses expenses
Sudy Boog...Sudy Boogaard • • unpayed • 7 u
!urgent male actor wanted for short film! !urgent male actor wanted for short film!
- A novice teacher who wants to remain professional, but is increasingly feeling the pinch of the situation. - It is important that the emotions a...
amsterdam, NL
cast unpayed unpayed unpayed
Naomi De ...Naomi De Jong • • unpayed • 9 u
!!urgent!! actors wanted for 'a date full of debate' !!urgent!! actors wanted for 'a date full of debate'
For this production we are looking for: Requirements: possible acting experience, amateur level is allowed. Improvisation skills are a plus. Good ...
amsterdam/amstelveen, NL
Bente FuitBente Fuit • • expenses • 12 u
Casting call: stardust Casting call: stardust
We are looking for 4 roles: Simon (17). Simon is an introverted teenager with one big passion: space. He loves to do activities around this theme,...
breda, NL
De Beste ...De Beste Stoomreiniger • • • 13 u
Youtube videopresentator Youtube videopresentator
I'm looking for a YouTube video presenter for steam cleaner review videos.
heerlen, NL
te huur gevraagd te huur gevraagd te huur gevraagd
Beeldenwe...Beeldenwereld • • 100 euro • 1 d
Filmbuddies tv series Filmbuddies tv series
We are looking for young people aged 12 to 18 from the Nijmegen region, both Dutch young people and young newcomers.
nijmegen e.o., NL
werk lowbudget lowbudget lowbudget
Noa Broke...Noa Brokelman • • unpayed • 1 d
Actress noa brokelman Actress noa brokelman
In order to grow as an actress, I am looking for work. As a child, theatre was my way to be free and to step into any role I wanted. That passion h...
amersfoort, NL
aangeboden unpayed unpayed unpayed
Hans (JBJ...Hans (JBJ) Doodkorte • • payed • 1 d
Retired and passionate about acting Retired and passionate about acting
Available for student productions and graduation assignments. Distance is in principle no problem. All roles are negotiable. As an extra, freel...
hellevoetsluis, NL
aangeboden payed payed payed