4 de gele...4 de gelegenheid • • 50 euro • 3 u
From marathon From marathon
We are looking for people between the ages of 20 and 65 who can be deployed as a runner (fit look) or as an audience or employee. We'll pretend we...
figuratie payment payment payment
OakWise M...OakWise Media Group • • 1200 euro • 8 u
Actor/presenter wanted! Actor/presenter wanted!
A male actor/presenter who speaks fluent Dutch (ABN) and French. Someone who comes across as trustworthy with a touch of humor.
den bosch, NL
cast payed payed payed
VandePunt...VandePunt Filmproducties • • 150 euro per half day • 9 u
Young actress wanted for opening scene of fire film Young actress wanted for opening scene of fire film
A professional extra - girl around 10-15 years old. *VOG is mandatory, due to work for specific clients.
woensdrecht, NL
VandePunt...VandePunt Filmproducties • • 150 euro • 9 u
Extra for fire film Extra for fire film
A professional actor/actress around 30 - 45 years old. *VOG is mandatory, due to work for specific clients.
Marije EngelMarije Engel • • expenses • 8 u
Wanted: english speaking actress 45-60 years old Wanted: english speaking actress 45-60 years old
- English speaking - 40-60 years old - Wife of a farmer
eindhoven, NL
cast expenses expenses expenses
English speaking actor wanted 45-65 years old English speaking actor wanted 45-65 years old
- English speaking - 45-65 years old - Can play one grumpy farmer
eindhoven , NL
Jacob Noo...Jacob Noordegraaf • • unpayed • 8 u
Actress wanted for thriller short film. Actress wanted for thriller short film.
An enthusiastic (beginner or experienced) actress between 20 and 30 years old, who is not easily intimidated by intense and scary scenes with pract...
leiden, NL
cast unpayed unpayed unpayed
Inger Van...Inger Van Opstal • • expenses • 2 d
Casting call for short fiction film about the theatre world Casting call for short fiction film about the theatre world
Kate: Confident, elegant woman in her 30s (all day) Amber: Young, cheerful woman in her early 20s (all day) Bastiaan: Casting director between 30...
ede, NL
Mahnaz Se...Mahnaz Sewgobind • • • 8 u
48h film project eindhoven 48h film project eindhoven
amsterdam, NL
aankondiging aankondiging aankondiging
Zafir Van...Zafir Van Gennip • • payed • 1 d
Acting work wanted Acting work wanted
my name is Zafir I am a sporty boy who has a positive outlook on life and wants to take a different path, namely acting and advertising work. My...
budel, NL
aangeboden payed payed payed
Dawud BachirDawud Bachir • 3 d • payed • 3 d
Looking for a job as an actor Looking for a job as an actor
I am a passionate and ambitious young actor looking for challenging roles in films and series. For me, acting is more than just a profession; it is...
geel, BE
Roxana Ma...Roxana Martinez • • payed • 1 w
Presenter for interviews with pensioners Presenter for interviews with pensioners
It seems like a very challenging job to me, I think it's great. I also have a family member who is also a presenter to present events.
rijswijk, NL