Joost Konings

Extras wanted for promotional film 23 or 24 Sep

Extras wanted for promotional film 23 or 24 Sep

(auto-translated from Dutch)

We are making a promotional film for the Rembrandt District in which we show various locations in the Rembrandt District.
We will be filming at the following locations during this shoot.

Cafe Langereis
Lords of Amstel
Soul Kitchen

Cozy settings are created in these different locations with a total of 7 extras.
The extras do not have to speak, but are expected to act. You may be the main character for some scenes.

The mood of the production: cozy, happy, festive, fresh, going out, weekend, party

Note: Some video shooting may contain alcohol.

Please bring 2 sets of clothes (weekend/going out clothes).
- no dashes
- no busy patterns
- no bright colors

What do we offer?
- travel allowance €25,-
- compensation €75,-
(per day)

professionele productie / lowbudget


People between the ages of 18-32 who would like to gain acting experience.

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NB: Messages posted on this site are not pre-checked. Use common sense when responding to messages and sending personal information. We disapprove if you have to pay for something to get a role. For more information about this: look here

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Expires 23-09-2024