Solo Productions

Various roles wanted pilot

Various roles wanted pilot

(auto-translated from Dutch)

We are making a pilot, the first episode of a future series.

What do we offer?
Because this is a low-budget production we cannot offer compensation for the role itself, but we can of course offer travel expenses and beautiful new footage for your resume.

semi-professionele productie


We are looking for:
Juul's mother: Juul's mother is a certain woman who has always kept a close eye on Juul and his friends since they were little. She knows the boys inside and out and is therefore also seen as the "mother of the group". Playing age: 30 - 45
Kidane's Mother: Kidane's mother is his foster mother and always tries to get along with Kidane, but always fails. Despite her failed attempts, she continues to love Kidane and give him advice about life. Play age: 30 - 45
Matti: Matti is the social coach of the youngsters. He stimulates them how to behave at work. He is a man with humor, but can also be serious when he wants to make something clear. Playing age: 30 - 45.
Johan: Johan is the boys' happy driver who takes them to work. He believes that the youth "is the future of tomorrow" and is therefore willing to do everything for them. Also volunteer work. Playing age: 30 - 40.
Anette: Anette is Juul's colleague. She is like the wise old sister to him, provides him with advice that Juul clearly needs. Play age: 17 - 23
Merel: Merel is Lex's colleague, she thinks Lex is a wimp and should just do what he wants and not give a damn about the rules. Play age 17-23
Jenny: Jenny is a whiny woman who doesn't take anyone seriously. She laughs at her own jokes and is known for not mincing her words. Play age: 40 - 50.
Jan: Jan is Jenny's husband and often seeks her approval by going along with her in her misbehavior. Play age 40 - 50.
Siana: Siana is an arrogant model who always puts herself first because of bad experiences she has had in the past. Play age: 30 - 40.
Özcan: özcan is a broad Turkish man who does everything for his family and his peace. He is extra irritated by unwelcome behavior. Playing age: 40 - 50.
Özcan's wife: Turkish woman, playing age: 30 - 45.
Bas: Bas is a man who has just come out of a divorce with his wife, and is therefore emotionally unstable. Playing age: 30 - 45.
Tina: Tina is an older woman who likes to joke around and sees strangers as friends she hasn't met yet. She does keep a sharp eye out for when people want something from her or genuinely like her. Playing age: 40 - 60.
Theo: Theo is a man who seeks the truths behind literally everything. He is suspicious because he has often been fooled in the past. Playing age: 40 - 50.
Freek: Freek is a man who supervises the youth center, and once in a while chats with the youth for fun. Playing age: 30 - 45.

Language requirements

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Expires 15-11-2024