Stijn de Koning

Actors wanted for student film

Actors wanted for student film

(auto-translated from Dutch)

The film "3 Lines, 7 Pills" is a short film where we follow a boy who is part of a drug gang, until he meets a nice girl. Because of this he wants to leave the drug gang, but this brings a lot of problems with it!

What do we offer?
- Set experience
- New contacts
- A super fun crew!

Because this is a student project it is unfortunately not possible to pay for actors.
Of course we will make sure that food and drinks are available!


Eindhoven & Omgeving Den Bosch

We are looking for enthusiastic young actors. No experience needed!

Actor 1:
- A cunning drug lord
- 27 years old
- Is a bit of a smooth guy

Actor 2:
- Drug lord's henchman
- Big, broad boy
- About 25 years old
- Don't talk

Actor 3:
- A young guy who wants to buy drugs
- 19 years old
- Comes across as a bit of a wimp

Language requirements

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NB: Messages posted on this site are not pre-checked. Use common sense when responding to messages and sending personal information. We disapprove if you have to pay for something to get a role. For more information about this: look here

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Expires 15-02-2025