(auto-translated from Dutch)
Project title: The Phantom Hunters
Project type: Feature film. This is an ultra low-budget independent production meaning film equipment will be minimal, there won’t be a crew and we will be filming very fast, almost like a documentary.
Spoken language: This is an English-language film. American accents are preferred. (We speak dutch behind the scenes as well).
Genre: Science-fiction/thriller.
Synopsis: When journalist Evelyn Stone investigates mysterious disappearances in a small town, she is approached by Garrett Graves, a struggling phantom hunter haunted by his brother’s death. Garrett believes ghost-like creatures are behind the incidents, but Evelyn is skeptical until one appears in her cabin. Desperate, she hires Garrett to cleanse her cabin, only to discover that the phantoms have possessed the townspeople and are now laying siege to them. Trapped together, they must find a way to destroy the invaders before the cabin is overrun.
Director: Paul Kalkhoven.
co-producer: Elizabeth Curtis.
Here is the trailer for our previous film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28pSGcVE7TM
Production location: Most of the film will be filmed in a cabin near Willemsoord, north of Steenwijk in Drenthe. Additional scenes will be filmed in Wolvega, Friesland.
There is no travel budget available so we're preferably looking for actors local to the area, but if you want to travel you're of course free to do so. The cabin we’re renting has some overnight accommodations so we’re willing to discuss possibly letting a few actors stay there.
What do we offer?
Compensation: € 113,- Day Rate, lunch and drinks will be provided.
semi-professionele productie
Character breakdowns:
GARRETT GRAVES (male, 25-35) An optimistic entrepreneurial ghost hunter who recently went into business. He starts out green but at the end of the film he has become a hardened ghost hunter. 8 days of shooting.
EVELYN STONE (female, 25-35) An independent investigative journalist. Proactive, no-nonsense, hard working, but prone to bouts of pessimism. Over the course of the film she learns to value her happiness over conventional success. 10 days of shooting.
TOBY HIGGINGS (male, 25-35) Assistant journalist to Evelyn. Presents himself as a lovable, hardworking and earnest person, but really a manipulator who does whatever he can to get ahead. A slightly comedic character. 6 days of shooting.
PHANTOM LEADER / JAMES POWELL (male, 35-45) An ancient being from space in the body of a human politician. He is tired of existence so he tries to build a new world for his kind. 2 days of shooting.
PHANTOM COMMANDER (male, 25-40) The younger right hand of the Phantom Leader. He doubts the leader’s plan but wants to impress him. 2 days of shooting.
DAN GRAVES (male, 25-40) A private detective investigating a mysterious disappearance. 1 day of shooting.
HOBO (male, 35-50) A man living on the streets who collects information for Evelyn. 1 day of shooting.
Except for the part of ''Hobo'', actors must be comfortable with some very basic fight choreography.
Language requirements
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