Krisha van der Male

Boys | Big kids are kids too

Boys | Big kids are kids too

(auto-translated from Dutch)

For a pilot episode we are looking for different people of different ages starting with children of 12 years old who look a little younger to mature people of around 30 years old.
So it's a pilot episode to see if our concept is a success, if it is the case the cast will of course hear about it to record a whole series, but for now it's just 1 shooting weekend!

Story Pilot episode:
It is an ordinary weekday evening, when the children and their parents are sitting on the lawn at the back enjoying the spring and the nice weather. A new man appears, who introduces himself and turns out to be the new neighbor who lives further down the street.

The next morning there is chaos in the house, everyone has their own morning ritual. Only one thing is different. The youngest has come up with a new game and has hidden the keys as a treasure. Of course the neighbor walks by when everyone leaves the house in a hurry. Mea forgets something and has to go back inside Cas teases her. The neighbor asks the youngest something who answers that sometimes daddy is not so nice to mommy.

The episode ends with the twins talking about the neighbor and their birthday, because that's actually much more important than that strange new man.

What do we offer?
There is no compensation for this project, but we do provide a meal, snacks and plenty to drink on all shooting days! If the Pilot episode is a success. The cast will hear this and there will be compensation, but for this shooting NOT

semi-professionele productie

Capelle aan den IJssel

The almost 16 year old Scott is a real skater and - except in appearance - does not look at all like his twin sister Puck. She likes fashion, he likes skate. She listens to pop, he to rock music. Yet they are always there for each other when needed, but they can't agree on that birthday. Although there is one thing they have in common, they form a united front against their parents.

The 14-year-old Dex is a skater just like his brother, but he has another passion, namely football. Although his older brother and sisters are already going through puberty, he is still doing quite well. From Mea and Cas he is gradually getting more freedom, which he thinks is perfectly fine.

Nathan is all about Football and shares this passion with his father. He is 11 years old and very smart for his age. He always has an answer for everything, much to the annoyance of the others in the family. Still, he plays outside a lot with Elena and Pepijn, who sometimes also find it very nice that their brother is the way he is.

Pepijn, 10, also likes to play football, if only because he gets to play with his brother Nathan. Pepijn is also the dreamer of the family and seems a bit shy because of that. He thinks up the games they play together and likes to watch Mea when she is busy with concepting.

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