(auto-translated from Dutch)
The upcoming graduation film "Déjà vu" is a psychological thriller that deals with the meaning of life. In a surreal journey through a 19th century landscape, our main character experiences the adventure of his life. Along the way, he comes face to face with the greatest fears of his life and must learn to deal with the absurdity of meaning.
Stefan lives a routine life isolated from the world. When this life is disrupted, he sets off on a journey in search of the deeper meaning of life. Plagued by the presence of a wiry man, he tries to escape his fears. Along the way, he will meet other lost souls who each try to answer the question of life in their own way. The film uses non-chronological narration where we alternate between the journey that Stefan makes and the moment of his death where he spends his last moments with his wife Eefje. In a bittersweet story, we want to put the meaning of life to the test and emphasize the importance of expressing love in the world to each other.
What do we offer?
We offer a unique experience to work on a set abroad where expenses, accommodation and food are reimbursed. In addition, we want to give the actors freedom within the interpretation of their character and have an open dialogue with the actors concerned. This is also an ideal opportunity since it concerns a graduation film and therefore qualifies for various film festivals in the Netherlands and abroad.
Breda & Fillievres
We are still looking for actors for the following roles.
Stefan (Male lead):
-Male, 25-50 years old
Eefje (Female lead)
-Woman, 25-50 years old
"The man with the guitar"
-Man 50+
"The sinewy man"
Language requirements
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