Melissa Halmingh

Grandma (78) and father (50) wanted for short film!

Grandma (78) and father (50) wanted for short film!

(auto-translated from Dutch)

Suus (20) and her grandmother Bea (78) have a strong bond. Suus lost her mother at a young age and her grandmother raised her for a large part. But Suus gets caught up in the helpless feelings she experiences when her grandmother tells her that she wants euthanasia. She wants to be there for her grandmother, but this goes against her own desires. Gradually she learns to take a first step towards accepting her grandmother's choice.

What do we offer?
With a friendly crew we want to tell this intimate and vulnerable story. In addition to helping me graduate from the HKU, we would like to create a beautiful film with themes about death, shared suffering and learning to let go. We do everything we can to create a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere on set. In addition, catering is provided and travel expenses are reimbursed!



1. OMA (78) is a colorful, eccentric and direct woman. She has been an artist and teacher for many years and still paints, often with her granddaughter Suus (who paints and is already training to be a teacher). Bea has had to miss her husband for a few years now. In addition, more and more old age ailments are coming around the corner and even painting is becoming difficult. Bea wants to prevent further deterioration and illnesses and, just as she has always had about life, wants to take control of her own death.

2. STEFAN (50) is Suus' father. After his wife passed away, he was left to fend for himself. With the necessary humor, he tries to solve everything, but sometimes he goes a bit too far. Stefan is somewhat chaotic and apathetic and likes to do odd jobs in and around the house.

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