Bente Hemmes

Asian ladies and gentlemen wanted // 23 - 35 years

Asian ladies and gentlemen wanted // 23 - 35 years

(auto-translated from Dutch)

For a local beer brand we are looking for 3 male and 2 female Asian models. This video shoot will be used for content creation for social media. In terms of age we are looking for models between 25 - 35 years old. In terms of appearance we are looking for models with an Asian appearance.

We offer a relaxed shoot (8 hours) of 2 days with a professional photographer and crew. Afterwards photos/videos may be used for your own portfolio. Snacks and drinks during the shoot will be arranged. The fee is €400 per day excl. travel expenses. It is a requirement for this shoot that you drink beer.

What do we offer?
We offer a relaxed shoot (8 hours) of 2 days with a professional photographer and crew. Afterwards photos/videos can be used for your own portfolio. Snacks and drinks during the shoot are arranged. The fee is €400 per day excl. travel expenses.

professionele productie / lowbudget


We are looking for 3 male and 2 female Asian models. In terms of age, we are looking for models between 25 - 35 years old. In terms of appearance, we are looking for models with an Asian appearance. It is a requirement for this shoot that you drink beer.

Language requirements

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Expires 01-04-2025