Victor Willems Ettori
extra, actor, bit part extra, financial admin employee
Ankeveen / NL
about me
Through a friend of mine I was introduced to acting as an extra. I saw this as an enormously fun challenge. Creating the right character and appearance that the director has in mind. I have now appeared in several films and television series as an extra. I also play in commercials!

ask me for
Je mag me altijd benaderen. Zelfs projecten waarvoor ik uit de kleren moet.
Presenteer klus zou ik ook graag willen doen!

I am young, enthusiastic, flexible, willing to always learn!

Admission film: Disabled boy (main extra/bit part extra) dreams of being able to ballroom dance. Movie (see the link)

Sleepless: Extra role 1: Zombie and Extra role 2: Military
(currently in installation)

Saturday, July 14 Extra role: Myself (myself) for the shoot of TV program Levenslied (this will be released in the fall)

Saturday, July 28, bit part extra role: Addict for a one-minute film.

Commercial, Short film

Victor Willems Ettori
Ankeveen / NL
extra, actor, bit part extra, financial admin employee