Wouter M.C. Tenger-Geurtz
producer, creative director, omni skills, editor
Badhoevedorp / NL
about me
Versatile and stubborn if necessary. In front and behind the camera. Can't doesn't exist. Jump into a moving train with both feet in the mud. Writing, directing, producing and editing. From small production to feature film. Nice nice nice nice!!

ask me for
- Mission Impossible
- Alles wat uit de rails dreigt te lopen.
- Coaching
- Internationale projecten.
- Ogenschijnlijk onmogelijke of moeilijke dingen
-'Frisse' blik
- Adobe Premiere Montage

Don't talk, but brush. Can't doesn't exist. And that in 4 languages. :-) NL, EN, FR, DE and a little Spanish.

Most important projects: - Feature film Amsterdam. International production with many difficult locations and shooting days. Entered during production. - Brown Gold. Location manager fired; Entered during production. Beautiful locations, international production in the peat areas in Drenthe. suffer. - Veronica Computer Magazine: Joined during ongoing production. Put things in order. - Triptych about Frank van Dijk. This man shows that anything is possible. Very inspiring.

- Rhine Award (ARD) 1997 - Saved two film productions in 1993 and 2007 by stepping in where the location and production manager had failed.

Eigen Sony DV Cam camera en Mac FCP en Premiere Pro edit suite

hardware knowledge
Alles Mac en alles Windows.

software knowledge
Adobe CS en FCP

Documentary, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series, Television

my companies

Wouter M.C. Tenger-Geurtz
Badhoevedorp / NL
producer, creative director, omni skills, editor