Marijke Verkaart
filming and video editing, voice and video performance, .....
Bussum / NL
about me
- Master in visual and audiovisual arts at Sint Lucas in Ghent
- Teacher training at Sint Lucas in Ghent

- 1 year Maastricht Theater School (Hogeschool Zuid)
- Video editing course (Final Cut Pro)
- Voice and musical education for many years

- Filming and video editing
- Directing theater production
- Create voice and video performances
- Writing texts as part of my work as an artist and also in function of others / projects that I am part of.
- Acting in front of the camera and on stage
- Inspire, lead and guide large groups in achieving individual and/or joint goals.
- Write and perform my own music (solo voice and piano, as well as with Marijke Verkaart Trio, name recently changed to Miracykel).

ask me for
- Filming en video-editing
- Acteren voor de camera of op podium
- Zingen / performing (en mezelf op piano begeleiden)
- Meewerken aan conceptvorming. Tevens meedenken / meewerken aan proces van concept tot uitwerking
- Teksten schrijven, van allerhande (van inhoudelijk tot functioneel, kan in verschillende tonen, van uiteenlopende genres zijn)
- Groepen leiden, begeleiden, sturen, stimuleren...
- Zaakjes regelen ten dienste van een productie

- I quickly realize what a situation needs.
- I love drama and putting EVERYTHING into perspective.
- I am serious, full of contradictions and I love adventures.
- I do not force myself on people, but I am assertive and focused when I see or can create an opening, depending on what needs to be done.
Humor and absurdities put so much into perspective. I can't live without it.
Precision, an eye for my environment, straightforwardness, truthfulness, no nonsense, goal-orientedness, humanity, patience, 'constantly thinking outside all the boxes', are concepts that I live and work with.

- Exhibition of my work as part of Arno Nollen's exhibition 'Looking through your eyes', in the Gerhard Hofland Gallery in Amsterdam
- Performances with Marijke Verkaart Trio (musical trio with Nicola Scagliozzi on bass, Karel Goedhart on drums and myself on vocals and piano.
- Installation performance InterAct (solo), on YouTube, developed in the Vooruit in Ghent, with the support of Cassette VZW and also performed in the Vooruit and in Amsterdam at Wilhelmina's Delicatessen
- Directing amateur theater for young people in Leuven
- Directing assistance at 2 theater companies (Ontroerend Goed in Ghent and 101Punt in Maastricht)
- Residency in the Flacc, Belgium and presentation at various locations (Beursschouwburg in Brussels, KC NONA in Mechelen) of my performance that I developed during my residency.
- Participation in Theater Aan Zee in Ostend, festival for promising young musicians and theater makers

- publication of a video installation in magazine 'Kunstbeeld'
- Exhibitions, musical performances and performances (see under the heading 'filmography/projects)

- Videocamera
- Camerastatief
- Computer met Final Cut Pro
- Draagbare stage piano
- Actieve speakers
- Microfoon
- Flash recorder voor audio

hardware knowledge

software knowledge
Final Cut Pro

Marijke Verkaart
Bussum / NL
filming and video editing, voice and video performance, .....