about me
Since 2011 I took the plunge and quit my job as a drama therapist to expand my field of work. You can find me under the name Pronounced Ilse. www.uitdictilse.nl. I take on many different assignments.
Who I am: authentic, humorous, open, hardworking, social, cheerful, thorough and as commercial as a bunch of carrots. I especially want to do and be what I like!
ask me for
Ik een klassieke en pure uitstraling.
Ik heb veel expressie in mijn gezicht, lach veel en wordt (nog steeds) jonger geschat dan mijn kalenderleeftijd doet vermoeden.
my appearance and smile / mouth.
I have mainly participated in small, local productions in recent years (ArtEz, Theatergroep de Jongehonden, De Krachtcentrale, Sandra Lange, but also voice-over work, corporate films).
Recently successfully completed the Dutch Acting Academy.
The prize won for me is when I can touch people in a certain way. Don't have to measure that with prizes, I don't have those either (except for the prize for most spectacular player when I was still playing korfball in 1992 :)). So I don't value it either, I perform well when I like something.
Ik kan eigen opnames maken en schoonknippen, hoe groter de productie, hoe groter de kans dat ik mijn netwerk aanboor mbt opnames en nabewerkingen. Heb begin- en vervolg cursus gedaan bij Barnier Geerling in Leiden. Stemacteren.nl. Verder maak ik opnames -met microfoon- op mijn telefoon voor promo's.
hardware knowledge
Ik weet hoe ik in Twisted Wave tekst kan verwerken en gebruik voor simpele video's Imovie.
software knowledge
werk met Apple