about me
I'm Dennis, 16 years young.
I am currently in my 4th year of my VMBO.
I work as a cashier at Hoogvliet, but my passion is not there but acting.
For as long as I can remember, I have been performing plays for my parents/friends.
This often happens spontaneously.

I also extrad in:

Van God Los (Series)

Slippery Ice (Film)

I am tall and sturdy, yet I have a nice appearance.
I can empathize well with my role.
I can improvise well.
I have a sense of humor but I can also be serious.
I have no preference for certain roles, because I find it a challenge to be able to play all roles.
In daily life I work a lot on my acting skills, for example by standing in front of the mirror and looking critically at my facial expressions.

Van God Los (Series)

Slippery Ice (Film)

software knowledge
Ik beheers de standaard dingen, en een paar experts dingen.

Dennis Celik
Zoetermeer / NL