Felix van Kooten
Utrecht / NL
about me
I work freelance as a screenwriter

360° degrees commissioned films - Freelance, 2016 - present (360° direction / post production) Commissioned films - PromoHolland, 2014 - 2016 (editor) Moordvrouw season 2 - Endemol Nederland BV, 2013 (video assist) The moon of Anouar - short tv film - Icewater films, 2012 (script continuity) Bobby en de gegenhunters - feature film - Lagestee Film, 2012 (video assist + on-set editor) Helder - series DCWF, 50i productions, 2012 (lighting assistant) Het Bombardement - feature film, Fu Works, 2012 (video assistant)

Drama film, Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series

Felix van Kooten
Utrecht / NL