about me
I have decades of experience in radio and television journalism. This mainly concerns the presentation of programmes, the making and recording of voice-over texts and conducting interviews. I have also been active in the field of amateur theater for decades and I have followed training as a training actor in the business world. My strength is my professionalism and my focus on results. When there is a problem or a job, I immediately go for it and throw myself at work with full energy. I want to finish something and do it right. I am helped in this by my extensive experience in journalism and my specialist knowledge in fields such as presentation, copywriting, research and production. I am creative in combining content and design. I am good at inspiring and transferring knowledge.
ask me for
Acteerwerk, zowel naturel als typetjes. Inspreekklussen voor journalistieke producties. Presentatie, zowel voor radio als televisie/film/online.
Hardworking, resistant to time pressure, good to direct, professional attitude.
Setting up the RadioPraktijk, a collective that designs and teaches basic courses in radio journalism. An official HBO teaching qualification and experience as a teacher of radio and television journalism. Working for years on radio and television programs about current events and backgrounds, as (final) editor / presenter. Recording corporate and broadcast documentaries and topics for television current affairs. Weekly television presentation of the weather forecast at RTI Hilversum. Followed a vocational training to become a training actor in the business world. Experience in acting for theater groups and in online productions
As the first Dutch journalist, I had a (telephone) interview with Nelson Mandela for KRO radio shortly after his release from Robben Island, in the early 1990s.