Felicia van Leeuwen
acting, making videos (editing,filming)
Leiden / NL
about me
My name is Felicia van Leeuwen, I have taken theater/drama lessons for about 10 years. Currently enjoying a gap year. And I have a YouTube channel, well who doesn't these days, I mainly do that because I enjoy doing it and not especially to reach a large audience. I try to post a video every week, which I record and edit myself.
Every now and then I also write an article for my blog, which also includes videos, which you can find here http://sparkyourdailylife.blogspot.nl/. If you watch the videos you will get a good idea of me as a person.

ask me for
Ik wil op dit moment vooral ervaring op doen, dus je kan me al mailen als je me alleen maar in de achtergrond wil hebben.
Ik vind het vooral leuk om te spelen in stukken die een beetje te maken hebben met wat nu speelt in de maatschappij, maar eigenlijk ben ik overal wel voor in. Als ik maar kan spelen!

According to people around me, I have great empathy, which allows me to completely get into the shoes of the character. I am also not afraid to give 120% of myself when the time comes.

Last year I acted in a play about coming out of the closet and I performed it at various schools in the Leiden region as a kind of information. The piece is called "Tomorrow I'll Say It" and I put it together with a director and other young people. It is about the daily struggle that a gay/bi person has with himself/herself and the environment when he/she has doubts about coming out.

Felicia van Leeuwen
Leiden / NL
acting, making videos (editing,filming)