Romana Bijvoet
actress, childcare worker, musician
Noord-Scharwoude / NL
about me
I am a fun, spontaneous young woman and love role playing and making music.
I'm not really professional, everything is still quite small-scale.
I now play in a theater group and have various theater experiences.
If there are spelling errors here, I am dyslexic, but that is not a problem with reading etc., only with writing.

ask me for
Rollen waar je wat diepgang heb of rollen met mooie kleding zoals die ze vroeger droegen. Ik hou van uitdaging en wil me in allerlei verschillende dingen laten zien.

I seem very sweet and cute, I can also spell this well, but appearances can also be deceiving. I like to sometimes show the opposite of what people think.

I went to a high school called Jan aredsz, where I participated in three theJather products.
I have participated in two location theaters: After Ons and Girls of Eighty.
Now I'm in a theater group called Sayonara

Romana Bijvoet
Noord-Scharwoude / NL
actress, childcare worker, musician