Jeannine La Rose
voiceover, model (full model). actress, singer
Zaandam / NL
about me
My name is Jeannine La Rose 34 years old.
I am of Surinamese origin and active in various fields and love being creative.
For the past 6 years I have mainly been involved as an actress/singer in various musical productions including Mary Poppins, Daddy Cool, Hair.
In addition, as a voiceover in, among other things, the cinema film Zambezia.
As a model I worked for Models Inc. and model support.

ask me for
Modellen werk (volle/karakteristieke modellen)
Voiceover (zeker voor een Surinaams Accent)

I am a striking radiant woman. Warm, cosy, sturdy and characteristic.
As a Voiceover I have an exotic voice character with a Surinamese accent as a specialty.
Recording jingles is perfect for me.

Sing & Act assignments.
Mary Poppins (Musical Van den Ende Productions)
Daddy Cool (Albert Verlnde Productions)
Hair (Jacques Senf Productions)

Commercial, Theatre

Jeannine La Rose
Zaandam / NL
voiceover, model (full model). actress, singer