about me
I have been busy lately with modeling (amateurish). I work as a dance teacher. I love singing, dancing and acting is really my thing. I have done 3 professional school musicals. Including the leading role twice, a short film shot in London, I play in the film 'Out for Vengeance' and I have completed a masterclass in acting. I would like to make a career in the film world.

ask me for
Ik doe vrijwel alles behalve pornografie, of volledig naakt.

I am a dancer and singer. I could therefore do any roles that require those qualities.

3 musicals (lead role), short film (lead role), short film (lead role), Masterclass acting, supporting role in film 'Out for vengeance'

Rosanne Berg-Krijgsman
Ede / NL
actress, dancer, singer