Josephine Coers
t'extpierement theater school, rabarber youth theater school
Heesch / NL
about me
My name is Josephine, I am 18 years old and I live in Heesch (NB).
In 2016 I obtained my pre-university education diploma and my IB certificate.
From September 2016 to March 2017 I followed the 'Gap Year' at theater school Rabarber in The Hague.
This year I did auditions at the 4 acting schools in the Netherlands, but unfortunately I haven't been accepted anywhere (yet). I did get to round 3 of the HKU in Utrecht.
I still have 2 auditions to go, at the theater school in Antwerp and at the acting course at Koning Willem 1 in Den Bosch. I hope I will be accepted into one of the two courses!
I would like to become an actress when I grow up!

ask me for
Alles! Ik zou graag zo veel mogelijk proberen en ervaren, ik sta open voor alle opdrachten en projecten!

When I was younger I played in some musicals from theater school STOP! (in Oss) and theater school T'eXtpierement (in Heesch).
I played in the final performance at Rabarber.
I also played in a performance at the National Theater in The Hague conducted by Justin van Kampen and Lejo de Hingh.

Josephine Coers
Heesch / NL
t'extpierement theater school, rabarber youth theater school