about me
My name is Marvin Vierbergen, 26 years old, and I am a performing artist, music workshop teacher and part-time in video production. In the field of video production, I have had all the roles at one time or another. Both in front and behind the camera.

I can act and am looking for nice extras and leading roles. But I am also looking for projects where I can help with production. I don't have to be in the foreground. I also like to realize ideas, make schedules and cost estimates and come up with creative solutions to problems.

ask me for
Ik wil graag meer netwerken en ervaring op doen bij verschillende projecten. Als het idee goed is en de crew bestaat uit gemotiveerde mensen dan wil ik graag meehelpen.

Acting and production work.

I've made dozens of video clips. In the links below I came up with the concept, directed and produced and edited the images: In addition, it is my own band, so I also play the leading role in both clips.

Skere Men - Positive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMML2c-VkZM
Skere Men - Not Quite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MgqxtKPiJ4

DSLR Camera, Digital8, Hi8, Driepootstatief, Schouderstatief, GO Pro Hero 4,

software knowledge
Sony Vegas Pro

Music Video

Marvin Vierbergen
Zaandam / NL
acting and production