about me
I’m currently in my last year of International Business and Languages studies at Hogeschool van Amsterdam. In my 24-year-old life I have lived in 4 countries. Among my passions belong languages (I speak fluent Dutch, too), experiencing different cultures, contact with people and working enthusiastically for what I believe in. My personal challenge is to make the environment where I work a comfortable and fun place for my colleagues and myself.

I am open to every new challenge and opportunity which will give me a relevant experience in the film/theatre industry.

I have always had a tendency to creativeness a bit. I love drawing, dancing (have done rhythmic gymnastic for 9 years) and now I finished courses of theatre too - at Mulholland Academy with a great teacher - Andre Landzaat, who teaches the method acting by Lee Strasberg. About theatre I love the fact that I can make people laugh. It is challenging as it allows to express various emotions in a brief spectrum of time.


Tereza Loucova
Delft / NL
student at hva