Jan van der Wal
actor, director, visual artist
Alkmaar / NL
about me
After a life in which I have seen much of the world. I have lived and worked with many different people. I decided a few years ago that I wanted to fulfill a childhood dream. I started acting.
After 4 years of directing, acting training, workshops and masterclasses, I notice that acting gives me an enormous sense of freedom. In addition, I can palpably share my emotions with the audience. My strength as an actor is to focus completely on my fellow actors. By being in touch, focusing on what is real, I can give credible and natural play.

2012-2013 Tutorial Uta Hagen, Ivanna Chubbuck, Stella Adler, Katie
Mitchell et al

2014 Master Class Stanislavski.
By Nick O'brien, Park Theater London.

2015 Physical acting.
At the Theater Room Amsterdam. Teacher Wilfred van de Peppel.
2015 Improvisation.
At the Theater Room Amsterdam. Teacher Roseā€¦

22.05.16 - 21.06.16
Masterclass Michael Checkhov technique
By Rustam Saryevin, St. Petersburg Russia.
2016 Stage 2 and 3. UCK, Utrecht.
2016 Directing. UCK, Utrecht.
2016 Cam acting. CREA, Amsterdam.
2016 Masterclass Meisner technique 1. Herman Bolten.
2016 Workshop, Theater group Amsterdam.

2017 Masterclass Meisner technique 2. Herman Bolten.
2017 Workshop, Theater group Amsterdam.
2017 Workshop Stanislavski. Ida van de Lagemaat.
2017 Materclass Lee Strasberg method acting for camera

ask me for

High signaling capability

Drama film, Drama for Television / Series, Theatre

Jan van der Wal
Alkmaar / NL
actor, director, visual artist