about me
My name is Lotfi Aznou, 18 years old and a spontaneous cheerful boy. Can put myself in another role well and stay in one role for as long as necessary. I think I have a talent for it, so that's why I would like to be invited for casting auditions.

Gained experience in student productions. Played role in short films called, The Man and Drugs Deal.

Drug Deal
I played a role as a boy who first found himself on the right path and then came into contact with the wrong people where he did nothing but steal and eventually also wanted to deal and that the first deal unfortunately became his last deal .

The man
Was about the problems a single father had with his life that also involved his children. Here I played his adolescent son who also wanted something and also found something and that clashed enormously.

Lotfi Aznou
Amsterdam / NL
interested in acting.