Erik Jan Sint
actor, extra, teacher, coach, assessments and role plays
Den Haag / NL
about me
Social and enthusiastic team player. I have experience with acting and extras and played roles in graduation films. Involved in dozens of assessments and role plays at The Hague University of Applied Sciences

ask me for
Jullie mogen voor alles contact met mij opnemen.

In general, people enjoy working with me. I enjoy meeting new people and further developing skills.

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Dad, please come in (November 2020); film role of dad
Bride Token (October 2020) film; role of father
The Story of the Netherlands (October 2020) TV series; role of flagellant
The Friendship (July 1991) graduation film; role of brother
Assessments and role plays (The Hague University of Applied Sciences 1980-2020)

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BuZa (February 2021) TV series Vara; Reuring (February 2021) graduation film; The Spectacular (November 2020) TV series VPRO; Pink Moon (November 2020) film; Eyeballs, (October 2020) TV series; Mascot, Remy van Heugten (September 2020) film; De Stamhouder (September 2020) TV series; Christoffel Ko Hummus De Film (September 2020) graduation film; Spangas (August 2020) TV series; Ferry (August 2020) TV series; Swanenburg (June 2020) TV series KRO NCRV; Otto (June 2020) graduation film; Oud Geld (1997) TV series, Maria Goos.

Video link - Actors wanted - Dad, come in - Cinevita[0]=AZX9sYPGZrZz2wgonKRQLGjX3N5Z7UQ8Dl5SoIGx5baOe9mkIKnHCirSU6RGfZBHRbqlRpA5CvxaBODxz9MpdbYIo5SIxKzl JxBzpRrVhDjmpS3zkonjMk8gJ2v7XdkqXoxqfHxbpB2HAevAYBbGPRoVwTI2LaWsxrPfXmBmywug_g&__tn__=HR

First prize competition 'Write a monologue about The Hague.'
Several 'Ikjes' (short texts) in NRC Handelsblad.
Co-author of 2 cookbooks and a children's book

Commercial, Short film, Feature film, Drama for Television / Series

Erik Jan Sint
Den Haag / NL
actor, extra, teacher, coach, assessments and role plays