Mischa Heijselaar
extra, edelfigurant, actor, stemacteur
Arnhem / NL
about me
My name is Mischa and I got the chance to be an extra in a film in early 2022. I enjoyed that so much, I would like to do it more often! From there the ball started rolling, I have already done a lot and would like to do more!

ask me for

I also do voice acting; I have a strong mid-range voice and that can be heard well and clearly. If you need a voice over or sound effects/yelps, let me know!

Carrying the Burden - One-sided fight scene! (I hit the main character, he didn't hit back)
Jamie and Steven Kazan - One-sided kind of stunt scene, ha ha! (Main character accidentally knocks me down)
Student film The Awakening - starring role of annoyingly cheerful neighbor
The Story of the Netherlands - period piece in the clothing of a city administrator/bit part

Lifegoods Condensator microfoon voor stemopnames

software knowledge
Video/audio knippen via Shotcut/Sony Vegas/etc

Mischa Heijselaar
Arnhem / NL
extra, edelfigurant, actor, stemacteur