about me
When I'm performing a story, acting or singing, that's when I feel most at home...it's who I am.
That's why I'm looking for fun projects to participate in, so that I can be busy with my passion and at the same time expand my skills.

ask me for
(Korte) films, theaterproducties, voice-over, presentatie, zang.

I am currently rehearsing for the play Onze Straat at Haags Theaterhuis, and I am performing in several Short Movies.

I appeared as a guest singer in a theater show by actress and singer Carolina Mout, and recently wrote and sang lyrics on a CD with the music of pianist and composer Nico van der Linden.

During my school and student years I played a number of leading roles in amateur musicals, including the role of Rizzo in Grease, and Madame Thénardier in Les Miserables.

Short film, Theatre

Darila van der Linden
Den Haag / NL
actress, singer