Yvonne de Wijn
actor, presenter, mime, voice-over
Bodegraven / NL
about me
Conveying a message to the audience is what sets me in motion.
With a lively facial expression, great empathy and good directing skills, I can be deployed in various areas.
From years of mime experience, I started acting with text.
As a voice actor, I am a voice at Thinium for books, but I can certainly also be used commercially.

ask me for
Maatschappelijk relevante onderwerpen zoals genderongelijkheid.
Duurzaamheid, groen, zelfvoorzienend leven, zero waste, vega(n).
Christelijke zaken, Bijbelse kennis, kerken, existentiële zaken.

Dickens Festival
Walking theater Dolorosa

Video clip Mimeteam Rescue - Lauren Daigle

Musical Water and Fire

CPJ 'Sister, I want to go to bed'
CPJ 'Bed, Bath, Bread'

Good News Sign Language - Voice Actor

Opname apparatuur stem.
Eigen studio met goede kwaliteit geluidsopname.

software knowledge
Gebruik van Audacity

Drama film, Theatre, Music Video

Yvonne de Wijn
Bodegraven / NL
actor, presenter, mime, voice-over