about me
-Training actress UMC + Pharmacy + General Practitioner Training Julius
-Training actress Assessment Center Beljon & Westerterp
-Training actress SRA Academy
-Training actress ROC van Amsterdam
-Training actress HU Utrecht: Nursing, Cesar therapy, Physiotherapy
- Mystery patient
-Lotus patient ID College Alphen aan de Rijn
-Theater sports performance organized
-Mystery Shopper
-Simulation patient in 2 hospital information films
-Jury member in the program 'the 6th sense' of RTL4
-Training actress E-learning Cirquest
-Simulation patient at the James Boswell Institute in Utrecht,
foreign doctors
-Mystery guest at Delta Lloyd for Measure Minds in Bussum
- Simulation patient at the AMC Amsterdam
-Training actress/teacher French at Overtaal. Exam NS
Chief conductors in the French language through role play.
-Simulation patient at Schola Medica, ROCMN, Hogeschool Utrecht
- Painter's model at Project Rembrandt
ask me for
Simulatiepatiƫnt en trainingsactrice, teken- en schildermodel. Figurante.
Due to a lot of work and life experience, I portray my roles well and I also have a lot of experience in giving feedback as a training actress.
Depicting emotions is my specialty.
Also possible in the French language.
- Extra in the film 'le sourire vertical' by Robert Lapoujade 1973
- cabaret performances
- theater sports performances
- anthroposophical Easter game
- theatrical fashion show
- Candid camera with well-known Dutch program is looking for sponsors for Supermamas in South Africa. Role: mother of the bride.
- Extra in the performance 300el x 50el x 30el by Toneelhuis FC Bergman
- Painting model at Project Rembrandt.
- Extra in the film L'amour la mort.
Drama film, Short film, Television, Theatre