Maurice Manuel Carballo
acting jobs, extras and presentation
Rijswijk / NL

Since June 2024 I have mainly started with (bit part) extra jobs to become more familiar with the film world. For a Dutch feature film (2025) I had a small role. I played a father of a sick girl, where I had to portray the emotion of relief after a good news conversation with the doctor.
ask me for
acteerklussen en presentatieklussen
I am genuinely interested in others and enjoy getting to know new people. Others often say that my quality is that I put people at ease, that I am a good listener and communicate without judgement. Because of this, I often hear life stories that people confide to me during a first meeting.

Haags theaterhuis
Basis theatercursus

I am half Spanish and speak Portuguese and I grew up with a twin sister with multiple disabilities, which makes me very good at connecting with all types of people. I am a real people person.

I recently became a father and spending time with my family and dog is what I love. I also love traveling, meeting new people, spending time with family and friends and enjoy good conversations. Preferably all this while enjoying a good glass of wine and delicious food. I also like acting, sports and a night out. I also cook frequently as a volunteer for the residents of the Het Huis foundation, because my twin sister lives there.

As a child I attended Rabarbar (theatre school in The Hague) from 2000 to 2003. During this time I played a season in the musical Grace as Prince Albert. In 2016 I followed a 3-month presentation course. The core of this course was to convey text clearly and captivatingly and to learn to speak with an autocue.
After having walked different paths, I am now ready to continue my passion for acting. That is why I followed a course at the Hague theater from March 2024 to July 2024.

In addition, I had enrolled in the Dutch acting school, where I was accepted. Due to personal circumstances, I chose to audition again in 6 months (Feb 2025).

I am good at presenting, acting and improvising.