I worked as an actress/extra in several foreign TV series and commercial TV/ radio productions in Lithuania:
- Vištvagiai /Snapphanar (Sweeden, 2006).
- ''Romos Imperijos Žlugimas'' | 'Gardner films' (USA) / Baltijos filmų paslaugos (LT). American TV film for the History Channel (2007).
- Nykstančios rūšys/ 'Endangered Species' (also known as 'Earth Alien').
(Drotcroft, Weintraub/Kuhn Productions, Lithuanian Film Studio) is a Horror/Thriller film directed and written by Kevin Tenney, released in the USA on November 16 of 2004.
- The New Adventures of Robin Hood, TV Series (1997 - 1998).
* Diploma in National Contest of young choir conductors in Lithuania.
* 13th awards: winner of Grand Prix Europeo; 1, 2 places with chamber choir at the competitions over the world with chamber choir "Jauna Muzika" (Lithuania)
ask me for
- Casting team;
- Acting as an actress (in promotion, films with producers and film markers from The Netherlands or other countries);
- possible cooperation, networking with/in Lithuanian film/promo creators.
* Choir dirigent * Singer * Manager/Producer * Young talent scouting * Artistic programmer * Presenter
Apple, Canon E65 and video, iMovie, film editing