Jard de Jong
actor and voice
Leiderdorp / NL
2018 Partygoer – White Rabbit 16mm
2018 SD member – Banker of the Resistance
2017 Bartender – 'New Neighbors'
2017 Dock worker in pub – Penoza
2016 Stan the Man – Holograms (short film for Willem de Kooning Academy student)
2015 Norman Bates – Psycho (short scene from the film reenacted)
2015 Clint McCormick - Last Redemption / Interactive Horror Movie
2014 The Knifed Killer - Dropouts / short artsy crime film (submitted to Cannes)
2014 voice-over assignments for Radio Decibel
2011 Man - Opposites / production of the Noordwijkse Filmclub
2009 Aad - Her First Beer/ short film
2009 Koen - Empty Nest production of INHolland Diemen
2008 Applicant / Partygoer - Peacocks and Reigers with Bas Muijs (very good in the picture in episode 3, also to be seen in episode 10)
ask me for
Acteerwerk in filmprojecten en voice-over opdrachten
Accents and showing and playing many different emotions.

A talented actor with twenty years of experience and a characteristic voice. Experience in the theater and in front of the camera.
Very enthusiastic and humorous, also very serious and professional.
Do you need an actor who knows how to do it, has a heart for the profession and can play many different roles, I'm your man!