Farunya Bos
(novice) photo model, writer, actress
Utrecht / NL
Hopefully these will continue to come and pile up!
ask me for
Ik sta open voor allerlei nieuwe dingen. Als iets me aanspreekt zal ik daar zeker op reageren/ingaan.
I speak 4 languages (yes, Flemish is also a language), have 29 tattoos spread across my body, all of which are equally unique and tell my life story. One day I will write an autobiography or a novel because I am good at that too. My father is one of the founders of Dutch theater and I played the leading roles in school productions during my primary school years thanks to his coaching.
software knowledge
Microsoft, Apple, Word

I inherited a love for the film industry from home and the theater world also appeals to me very much. Yet I notice that my heart lies with film art. After having worked twice as a volunteer for the Dutch Film Festival, I know for sure; I want to make my contribution to the Dutch film world and who knows, grow to world level. In short, the ambitions are high and all beginnings are low, so I'm taking up the challenge!