Faddist to Fascist
A fictional, mockumentary student film about the theory that Hitler was not behind the murders of the Jewish people. In this short film I portray Adolf Hitler's childhood friend, who tells the 'true version' of history. While shooting this film I learned to act and improvise in English, with a German accent and to believe in the story I was telling.
Animation Theater shows
During my internship period in a camping entertainment team, I played in sympathetic theater shows as the mascot Mo.
During this period I learned to make people laugh and create interaction with my audience.
Go Crazy
A play and a journey of discovery into where the line between crazy
and lies normally. During the play you see the actors falling further and further
in a psychosis. I learned to use my imagination during this production
so true that I was at a point of actual "madness".
War stories
This play was a combination of small stories about the consequences of
the second World War. During this production I learned to bring feeling into the dialogue.