Dounia Allane

My most important projects and productions include the leading role in the film "Nasser - The Boy in Me," directed by Melissa Martens. This role gave me the opportunity to show my acting talent and tell a deep story. I also starred in the series "Soccer Girls," where I was part of a diverse and talented team. These experiences further fueled my passion for acting and refined my skills.
I am proud to announce that I have won the award for Best Actress at the Film Festival De Ronde Venen OPEN 2015, for my leading role in "Nasser - The boy in me." This recognition has further strengthened and confirmed my motivation and passion for acting. More information about this can be found on the Facebook page of "Nasser the film."
ask me for
Voor de volgende type opdrachten en projecten moet je zeker contact met mij opnemen. Ik sta open voor energieke en ambitieuze rollen, evenals sportieve rollen die mijn passie voor beweging en sport weerspiegelen. Daarnaast ben ik beschikbaar voor projecten die dans- of zangtalenten vereisen. Hoewel ik een sterke voorkeur heb voor deze specifieke rollen, sta ik in principe open voor alle soorten uitdagingen en creatieve mogelijkheden.
In addition to my passion for acting, I have a great interest in languages. I speak fluent Dutch and Moroccan Arabic, and I also speak English, French, Spanish and German. My social and positive attitude makes it easy for me to work with different people and create a pleasant working atmosphere. I am enthusiastic, energetic and a real team player, always willing to do my best and support others. These qualities not only make me a versatile actress, but also a pleasant colleague on set.

My name is Dounia and I am an enthusiastic and energetic personality with Moroccan roots, born and raised in the Netherlands. My passion for acting started at a young age and has already brought me great opportunities. For example, I played the leading role in the film "Nasser - The boy in me" by Melissa Martens and I had a role in "Football Girls".

After a period in which I fully focused on my passion for hockey and my studies, I am ready to revive my acting career. Thanks to my years of experience in the hospitality industry, I have learned how to adapt like a chameleon and feel comfortable in almost any environment.

I look forward to taking on new challenges and further developing my talents in the world of film and television.
Short film