Wojtek Justyna TreeOh! - editing of 4 portraits of 2 to 3 minutes about the process of their upcoming album (coming September 2018)
Wojtek Justyna TreeOh! - filming 7 vlogs in seven days and editing them during a private tour (July/August 2018)
Yorlenie Delgado - producing and editing video clip for rising artist and former participant of The Voice (fall 2018)
Hand model for Android instructional videos (2017)
Edel extra for brand promo "Nieuwe Tijden" (2017) method/videos/644601582374091/?hc_ref=ART__ZDCBj70YH_lzr29BAXtGOLvF5hYPw0Wvnu3t_5Diwut_0DT2hNeRKL245dnU-4
Afterfilm Liberation Festival Wojtek Justyna TreeOh! (2017)
UltraUrban Festival in Eindhoven (2017) - filming
Poliana Vieira - video editing, production, script and direction (2017)
Also in 2008/2009:
Project SeeMe (editing 1-minute introduction videos for job seekers)
Short documentary from ING (edit)
Making Off "Ja en Nou" by HI for the company (editing)
RADIO 6 Soul & Jazz Talent 2013
Music Ambassador of Rotterdam 2013
Winner of Music Matters Award 2012
ask me for
Editing van making of's, korte documentaires, bedrijfsfilms, draaidagen en stages om meer ervaring op te doen in video-editing en camerawerk om deze te verbeteren. Waar ik betaald word.
Meehelpen in productie-assistentie.
An eye for aesthetics in images and finding the perfect moment in which image, sound, timing and context come together to touch and/or entertain someone are my tools. My aim to achieve this with increasing speed is what drives me to keep getting better.
Mac 13''
Premiere Pro
software knowledge
Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut, basis Photohop
(eerder kennis gedaan in Adobe After Effects en Avid, dat zou ik willen verfrissen)